North Louisiana Fly Fishers
Benefits of Membership in the North Louisiana Fly Fishers
Membership is open to anyone that wants to learn more about the sport of fly fishing. Our club provides a continuous learning environment and the opportunity to share experiences with fellow fly fishers. Your membership dues allow the NLFF to maintain that learning environment through meetings, programs, events and outings. If you wish to join, bring payment and a filled out membership form to any meeting.
Benefits included in NLFF club membership:
* Informative monthly meetings about all aspects of fly fishing
* Presentations by guest speakers at most of these meetings
* A monthly online club newsletter, The Fly Line -
This is a must read for interesting articles and upcoming events
* Opportunity to participate in fly tying and casting classes
* Opportunity to participate in prize drawings
* Invitation to attend the NLFF annual banquet
* Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader
All membership levels typically run from January 1st thru December 31st. Members joining on or after September 1st will be valid thru December 31st of the following year. The 3-yr discounted memberships are not eligible for this extension. Discounted Student and Active Military memberships terms are 1 year only.
Individual memberships have one full vote.
* 3-Year $75.00
* 1-Year $30.00
Encompasses all family members under the age of 18 and each parent. However, family memberships have a maximum of two full votes.
* 3-Year $90.00
* 1-Year $35.00
Active Military Memberships
Any full-time student under the age of 25
qualifies for this reduced rate membership. Student memberships have one full vote.
* 1-Year $20.00
Any active military personnel qualifies for this reduced rate membership. Active Military memberships have one full vote.
* 1-Year $20.00